Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Last minute details

This is my last day at home. One of the good things the Air Force does is give deployers the day off right before a big deployment. It gives folks a chance to spend time with family, and tidy up any hanging personal affairs, tying up any loose ends. I have a few so it is good to have the time to take care of things.

Some things I had to take care of today included obtaining 90 days of whatever medications I might be taking. Darn hard to get a re-supply of anything but antibiotics at a field hospital. I had to stop by the local tailor shop and pick up my desert flight suits. I had rank being sewn on them. I actually have 4 already, but they were a big snug, and for some reason the desert ones run small anyway, so I obtained a couple a size larger. I feel like I’m swimming in the new ones, but they fire-retardant material is new and with the larger size, when we start sweating over there it won’t be quite so uncomfortable.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that when I went to pick up the suits, there was no charge! I run into things like all the time. People DO support the troops and find ways to say thank you all the time. It is hard to know how to handle something unexpected like a suddenly paid for lunch, or a 100% discount for a small service, but I do my best to show that we serve because we love what we do, and we are thankful for our neighbors’ support.

Got the buzz-cut haircut. Won’t need much hair out in the desert. A short cut will make maintenance easy and probably keep things a bit cooler. I don’t want to get a buzz just because of the Active Duty thing, but I do see the benefit in upkeep. My hairline is retreating anyway, so I should probably get used to a close crop anyway. I’m not one who plans on doing the comb-over, so when the time comes (and it’s rapidly approaching), it’s pretty much going to be permanently short.

I tried to take care of some bill paying, but came up short on that. You would think with today’s technology you could automate your bills… however that’s not always the case. Some services don’t permit budget payments… so you have to wait till you get the bill that month. For a couple of those I just averaged out what I have paid over the last several months-year and then scheduled payments. I’ll probably overpay, but if I don’t I figure getting the vast majority of their fees will keep the creditors at bay until I get back and make up whatever is left.

Finally, I had to pick up some glasses. I’ve put off getting my prescription reevaluated since before the last time I was overseas, so I was definitely due. Unfortunately, age has taken yet another toll, and I’m on the cusp of needing bi-focals…I declined getting them this time since it is still not a problem when I read, but I do feel the battle of adjustment when I look at something with fine print. Another impetus to get my glasses replaced was the need for sunglasses. I purchased a pair with snap-on shades. I’ll get lots of use out of them where I’m going….the trick will be keeping them from getting scratched with all the sand.

Last night we had a good bye dinner at Pat and Stew's... London Broil an 'at, and Patti adding in some Greek gourmet items to make it a really festive occassion. Quite a send-off. Sorry, still doesn't make leaving for a month and a half attractive, but does make me want to get back home as soon as possible. Tomorrow we hit the road and head east. It will be challenging, but is something I believe is worth doing.

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