Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Care packages

People often ask what are good things to send in a care package to the troops overseas. I am only going to be gone six weeks, so with the short deployment and the time it takes to get mail overseas, I will not need much of anything; however based on past experiences and conversations with guys we moved around the desert, a few things stand out as welcome items:

- Letters.

Even addressed to "Any Soldier," they are probably the be-all and end-all of things to receive when you are away from home. Some of the best were from school kids who thanked me for giving my life for their many freedoms! (I thought that might be a bit premature, but I appreciated the sentiment a lot!)

- pictures
- greeting cards
- post cards
- Gum
- Candy

If you can figure out a loved one's favorite and have it show up a couple of weeks since he/she last even thought of it, it will really brighten their whole week!

- Girl Scout Cookies!!!
- Chap stick
- sunscreen
- bug spray
- baby wipes

As dusty as you may think it is over there, it is always way worse. Occasionally waterlines break in even the most civilized locations (i.e. Air Force bases) and after a few hours without water, everyone is feeling pretty ugly!

- magazines

Just keep the Maxims, playboys, playgirls, fitness and muscle mags at home. The Islamic fundamentalists inspect everything coming into the country and will confiscate it (maybe even keep it for themselves [?]), then harass the receiver as if they asked for it to be sent to them. Same goes for alcohol. It is appreciated, but definitely on the NO-GO checklist.

- books
- CDs with music, pictures, videos, books on tape, etc.
- AA and AAA batteries.

They power everything. Folks live off their iPods, walkmans, mp3 players, flashlights, alarm clocks, etc.

- comic books
- baby powder, baby oil
- foot / boot powder

Places to send your care packages or donations:

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